Your tax deductible donation goes a long way
At Supporting Cambodia we understand that you don't want a large portion of your precious donation chewed up in admin fees so we've worked very hard to develop policies and procedures that maximise our oversight, accountability and reporting responsibilities, but at the same time keep our administration expenses to an absolute minimum.
Unlike some of the better known big charities on the block, we don't hide our admin fees in the fine print, in fact we think it's a point of difference worth celebrating. For every dollar you entrust us with, 92.5% of it filters through to our on-ground projects, keeping our schools open, students fed and families supported. What we do retain ensures we maintain our tax deductibility status and auditing requirements, both here in Australia and in Cambodia.
So we'd love you to partner with us on an amazing journey, that isn't just transforming lives, but restoring hope, dignity and self-reliance to some of the poorest families on the planet.
Your donation is tax deductible. Supporting Cambodia is a registered Australian charity through Global Development Group (ABN: 57102 400993).
If you’d prefer to make an electronic transfer our banking details are as follows:
Account Name: Supporting Cambodia
BSB: 015-600
Account: 1967 91878
Please include your name and email address for a tax receipt.