Cambodian humanitarian infrastructure projects in full swing

I hope this finds you well. Just a quick update on our Cambodian humanitarian infrastructure project that we have underway at our remote high school boarding house where we are constructing some new bathroom and kitchen facilities to make life more comfortable and hygienic for the 60 plus kids who call it home.

The builders and volunteer villagers are in full swing and pending no weather delays from now on we are ahead of schedule and on budget which is great news.

Below you’ll find a handful of pics which I think illustrate what a fantastic job the building team is doing and the quality of the construction, especially by remote Cambodian village standards.

We would love for you to consider partnering with us in an array of great projects across two of Cambodia's poorest provinces by making a tax deductible donation today (or any day). You can contribute directly into our Australian working account ‘Supporting Cambodia’ BSB: 015-600 Account: 1967 91878 (Please include your name and email address in the transaction for a tax receipt) or with a credit card on our donation page.

Thanks again for your ongoing support and encouragement,


Rob Ellson, Chairman

Rob Ellson was one of a group of 15 Kangaroo Islanders who visited Cambodia for the first time in 2009. Witnessing a struggling community of more than 1,000 displaced people greatly impacted all of the Kangaroo Island group. After returning home to Kangaroo Island, Rob couldn't let go of the needs of those families.  Over the coming months and subsequent visits back to Cambodia he founded ‘Kangaroo Island Supporting Cambodia’.


New text books for Cambodian students


Infrastructure programs underway and schools update